Thursday, May 17, 2018


Throughout Libra, themes of manipulation were present. The novel heavily deals with people
trying to carve a place in history, whether it’s for redemption purposes like Win Everett or Lee just
wanting to be remembered as a significant figure in history. Win wants to make up for the failed Bay
of Pigs invasion that he orchestrated by conspiring an assassination “attempt” on JFK. While Lee
ends up being a perfect candidate for the conspirators of the plan to place the blame upon, various
manipulative tactics were used to ensure the plan went accordingly. Win concocts fake documents
that create a paper trail ultimately leading to Lee. These manipulate the public to blame Lee for the

Another much more personal form of manipulation was handled by David Ferrie. He only actually meets with Lee a few times, but each interaction Ferrie has with him is incredibly manipulative. When Ferrie explains the significance of Lee being a Libra it makes an incredibly lasting impression on Lee.
“We have the positive Libran who has achieved self-mastery. He is well balanced, level-
headed, a sensible fellow respected by all. We have the negative Libran who is, let’s say,
somewhat unsteady and impulsive. Easily, easily, easily influenced. Poised to make the
dangerous leap. Either way, balance is the key.” (DeLillo 315)

This perception of himself contributes to him ending up taking the shot at Kennedy. This form of
manipulation is much more psychological and works better for personal matters like talking with
Lee. Spreading false information is more effective for mass manipulation, like what Win does with
the fake documents.

I also thought it was interesting that Jack Ruby ends up being manipulated into murdering Lee.
Jack Karlinsky is able to use patriotism as well as a money incentive to take advantage of Ruby. Ruby
ends up regretting what he does, which shows how effective the form of manipulation used on him